Dog owners are warned of the deadly disease found in the UK, which is carried by ticks. Now, the state health authorities are figuring out how four dogs that have never traveled outside of Britain could become infected with dog babesiosis. One dog is reported to have died, and the rest are in serious condition.
The outbreak occurred in Harlow, Essex, but there are fears that the disease may spread further, despite measures to contain it. Babesiosis attacks the blood cells of dogs. Symptoms include fever, lethargy, pale gums and general weakness, and in the absence of treatment it can lead to death. Vets have resorted to an emergency blood transfusion to fight the disease. In the Council, Harlow said: "It is very important that dog owners protect their pets using a medicine for ticks and regularly check dogs for their presence." More detailed advice can be obtained from local veterinarians. " Councilman, Mark Wilkinson, said that this area is often used for walking dogs, and added that the warning is "just a precaution." "The Council cooperates with the Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture, and expects further instructions from them." The site advises owners to make a thorough examination of the dog for the presence of ticks that are visible to the naked eye, but may hide in hard-to-reach areas of the animal's body, such as ears, groin and paws. If the dog too often scratches or licks a certain area of the body, this may be a sign of the presence of a tick. To remove the tick, owners are advised to use tweezers to grab the parasite by the head and pull it out. After removal, the mite must be killed by placing it in a small amount of alcohol.
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